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Eternal Watch

 Gilbert "Gib" Allen  Sam LaRocca
 Paul Banga G.O. Lemieux
 Harold Beaver Bill Maggart
 Al Black Garland Manning
 Earl "Curly" Boles O.R. Marion
 Lloyd Braa Dick Marrier
 Cliff Bruya Oliver Massey
 Ralph Burton H. "Stubby" McClain
 E.W. Callahan Larry McConnell
 Robert Calvi Mike McGinty
 George Cox Chester Miller
 Kay Crandall Lou Miller
 Bill Crosby W.H. Miller

 George Daros 

John Duvernay 

 Harold Moody

T.P. Morrissey

 Vernon Eaton

 Bob Morrow
 Vernon Elder Estil Napier
 David Ewing Tom Neese
 Jake Finn Fred Nelson
 Ralph Fitch Ray Nelson
 John Firestone Rod Newell
 C.E. "Whitey" France Irving Peers
 Everett Frazier Jack Pitcock
 Charles Gallagher R.W. Pommer
 A.R. Gear Oscar Poston
 F.O. Goldsmith J.B. Reeder
 Hubert Haislip Russell Ring
 A.E. Hancock Walter Roseboro
 E. Bruce Harrison Charles V. Ruggero
 Gene Harshbarger Al Sauceda
 Marlow Harter Ben Scalia
 Frank Hawkins Gene Scranton
 Eldon "Dutch" A. Hickey Sr.            Del Shepard
 Donald Holdren Fred Smith
 Frank Hostetter John Smith
 Jerry Huber E.H. Stevenson
 Tony Italiano R.D. Stuble
 R.E. Jackson L.R. Thomas
 Allen Burnell Johnson H.B. Tractenberg
 Charlie Johnson Wade Valentine
 L.E. Joost R.B. Wallace
 Ivan Jore R.E. Weatherhead
 Don Kalkbrenner L.C. Wilhelm
 Jack Katon A.G. Willis
 Paul Keller Cleo Wheeles
 James "JB" King Gorden Zirkle
 J.R. Kirkpatrick 



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Sample imageStory of "the greatest rescue operation by a single ship in the history of mankind"
Sample image "Chronicle of perhaps the most famous moment in American military history"

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Mesothelioma is a terrible cancer known to affect navy veterans who worked with asbestos insulation.
The USS Star is one of the ships built with asbestos products at the Newport News Shipyard. Also, check out the Mesothelioma Cancer Center

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